Wednesday 28 December 2011


I managed to take a break at lunchtime and head down to Southerndown with my trusty Wasabi in tow. I'm really quite fond of this plane and should probably spend some time on giving it a refurbish as it is looking a little tiny bit tatty.
When I got to Southerndown, the 12-15mph SW wind (which would have been absolutely perfect) had morphed itself into a 5 mph SSW wind which was butt-clenchingly light!
I must have either taken my 'brave' pills or was just desperate to fly, because I launched into wind that seagulls were flapping in ........ and flew!
I had a couple of moments where I needed to decide quickly to land and managed to do so successfully!
In hindsight, I probably should have turned right at the top of my road instead of left and headed to the Back of the Wrecker for more lift and to catch up with the guys getting ready for the SWSA Woolybacks F3F tomorrow. It would have been great to catch up. Maybe I can escape for an hour or so today to say G'day.

Anyway, I managed to get some video today. Enjoy!

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