Monday, 24 September 2018


From what I have read, seen and watched, it was an incredible Welsh Open this year. I had every intention of competing this year and was determined to NOT let down the teammates (Kev and Mark) as I did for the North of England Open earlier this year.
I arrived on Friday morning with Mia and Adam all fired up ready to hang out on the slope with me and my flying mates and watch me compete. The Taranis had other ideas though and would not let me send any signals to either of my gliders.
Long story short, I had managed to burn out the internal module and had also fried both my receivers in the process of trying to get it all working.
The Taranis is now in the bin.
I am back using the old trusty Futaba FF9.
It took me a few night to get the planes programmed and I didn't want to ignore the kids while I had them staying with me so I was not able to get back out to the Slopes to even watch the rest of the Welsh Open.
Huge congratulations to Joel West, Mark Treble and John Philips for the top three spots!