I acquired a damaged Pike Precision and have started to undertake the repairs. Some details are on the repairs page.
Not sure if I have let you all know that I have also managed to get a Needle 124 too! That one is flying and only needs a little bit of paint on the fuselage.
A substantially broken Ceres is also on its way to me which will be repaired, ready to be thrashed on the F3F course!
Thursday, 26 November 2015
Saturday, 7 November 2015
Report from the German Open 2015
German Open
F3F 2015
Island of Rügen, Germany

watching videos of pilots wrestling their gliders along the edge of the
Turbulator at the inaugural F3F World Championships in 2012, I knew I had to
experience the German Open on the same slopes. This year I gave myself that
opportunity and took my Willow2 along to see if it was up to the task. Seeing
as it was a test, I also took my trusty Skorpion DSL (one plane was never going
to be enough!)
1500km in
23 hours was asked of my van and it delivered, although I would have preferred
one of the German cars that flew passed me like I was standing still on the
unrestricted areas of highway in Germany!!! I nearly made it the entire trip
without a sleep and had to stop for a rest about 3 hours from Rügen which timed my arrival at the Turbulator for 6am.
By the time
I actually found the Turbulator (it was hiding from me) it was nearly 8am and
Carlos Riviera from Venezuela was already making the most of the flyable
conditions and getting some quality time on the sticks. To be honest I was
expecting quite a few more locals to be at the slope even though it was early
as I knew the opportunities to fly were going to become rarer as the day drew
The lift
was quite light and I had a feeling I would need some weight in the Willow to
keep some momentum so I flew for the first flight with 20% ballast. What I
didn’t count on was just how narrow the lift band really is on that 6metre
slope especially when launching your own plane. Needless to say that this was
the only flight I didn’t get someone else to throw my glider towards the sea,
rocks and beach with some gusto! It turned out that I actually needed more
weight, but I’m glad I didn’t have it in for the first flight.

Anyway, after successfully finding and utilising the lift I scraped over the trees to the landing area and completed my first flight on the Turbulator without any damage. By mid afternoon I had started to get more comfortable with where to place and keep my model while flying to get the best from it and had plenty of analysis time between flights as we slowly worked our way along the queue. At one time I counted 29 planes for 21 pilots and do wish I had been clever enough to put 2 or 3 planes in the queue, but I wasn’t.
I had the pleasure of sharing this weekend with not only a fantastic group of friendly, well-regarded international pilots that I didn’t previously know, but also was one of a cast of four travelling British pilots (I know, I’m not British! But I am a British Pilot ;-)). Martin Newnham, John Phillips and Mark Abbotts all arrived on the slope during the day for some practice too.

After a long days travelling and flying it was a relief to get to my accommodation in Goor (Hof Kracht) and pass out for the night (after remembering to charge my blat flatteries!).
First Competition day!

The pilots briefing and welcome was held near the HQ and we all made our way to the Turbulator for the start of the competition in double time. The team organising the German Open had already set the course up by the time we arrived and we were flying very shortly after. The organisation of the event was outstanding.
My first
flight was a nervy one and Martin managed to catch some of it on video.
I did get better
as the day drew on, I promise. Unfortunately there isn’t any video evidence.
I really
enjoyed how precise you had to fly and the concentration required to get the
most out of your glider. What was immediately clear to me was that I didn’t
have the Willow2 set up to carry energy as well as other slipperier planes, and
I didn’t have the knowledge, experience or skills to change it. I just flew it
how it was and concentrated on flying in my normal aggressive manner.
I think I
flew fairly well and provided some entertainment along the way too!
I had hoped
to borrow a DSLR with video capability to be able to create a decent movie
about my German Open experience. Unfortunately the camera didn’t have video so
I only managed to film a few flights on my phone and have popped them in a
video of day 1 runs here:
Sorry that the majority are just of the Brits, I didn’t think I had much memory on the phone.
At the end
of day one, Andreas Herrig was in first place after 5 very efficient and
fantastically flown rounds. Martin and Mark were both pushing for top 10 places
by the end of the day and I was managing to keep JP and Daniel Schneider (honorary
Brit …. or Mascot, you decide ;-) ) behind me in the running order.
That night
I met up with some of the lads for dinner at Zum Kap Arkana (competition HQ) in
their restaurant. It was a great multi-national get-together and a top finish
to a fantastic first competition day.
There wasn’t
much wind predicted for day two and what there was, was later in the day so
after the pilots briefing a group of us spent the morning taking in the sights
and sounds of Kap Arkana and Vitt. Vitt was a proper little fishing village and
the walk along the beach, up the cliff to the lighthouse was lovely. There was
an annual fun run around Kap Arkana that we managed to watch the start of too
(I quite like Lycra on fitties).
Competition day 2!
Our aim for Saturday afternoon was to try to get a round flown so we met after lunch at the Vitt slope and tried to get started. The conditions were light but legal so Antek Kania showed us the way with a test flight and we started round 6 directly after. The conditions were extremely light and by the time it came to be my turn I was very nervous about hoiking my Willow2 over the edge. I was right to be nervous.
Before the
start of the round I had a good look at the course and planned my flights. I
was going to be particularly aggressive as I thought I could get a little bit
of an advantage by using the dead air behind the trees on the right side base.
Lucky I had a plan, because that was about the only line I could get enough
height for!
I struggled
to get the plane above ankle height for the entire flight and was picking
little gaps between trees and branches.
My flight
was cut short after forgetting about the little tree in the centre of the
course at the height of the slope edge which I clipped.
This clippage slowed the Willow down enough that I was unable to avoid the next little tree on the entry to the base, whose impact made it impossible to fly over the big tree on the base. Doh!
This clippage slowed the Willow down enough that I was unable to avoid the next little tree on the entry to the base, whose impact made it impossible to fly over the big tree on the base. Doh!
The Willow
emerged unscathed from its session of tree-hugging except for a little ding in
the leading edge! Lucky me!
As I popped
my head back up to the top I asked everyone if anyone had recorded my shenanigans on
video, unfortunately no one had, so you’ll just have to imagine it!
You can
imagine my dismay at hearing that the conditions had now deteriorated to below
legal, but my flight still counted because they were legal for my flight. Well
30 minutes later dismay turned to delight when we were told that the 1st
attempt at round 6 was cancelled!! Woop-woop! Lucky me!
During the
break I met a lovely boy and could feel myself falling in love instantly…………….
His name was Genghis and he was beautiful! If I ever get my own dog, I think it
will have to be an Alsatian x Husky!
We managed to complete 2 rounds before the sun set. None of the flights were blistering but it was a really beautiful day and I couldn’t have wished to be anywhere else. Also I didn’t land in any more trees, bonus!
Herrig was leading, David Stary was second and Helge Borchert third at the end
of day 2. I had managed to hold off Daniel Schneider and John Phillips while
Martin was managing to fend off Mark Abbotts just outside the top 10.
Here is a stitching of flights from the second day:
All the flights I caught on film are also individually uploaded to youtube if you'd rather look there!
Here is a stitching of flights from the second day:
All the flights I caught on film are also individually uploaded to youtube if you'd rather look there!
TUD had organised a spectacular banquet. The food was delicious and the company was top notch. The social side of this event only added to what was a fantastic trip.
Third competition day!
There was a similar amount of wind on day 3 as there was on day 2 but the direction had us back on the Turbulator and with only 6 metres of cliff to generate lift the decision was made to have 4m/s consistently to start the competition. That strength never materialised and the final result was as it stood from the end of day 2.
I took gazillions of photos and have put them on Flickr if you would like to have a look and I also made a little montage type video with no runs below:
There was a similar amount of wind on day 3 as there was on day 2 but the direction had us back on the Turbulator and with only 6 metres of cliff to generate lift the decision was made to have 4m/s consistently to start the competition. That strength never materialised and the final result was as it stood from the end of day 2.
I took gazillions of photos and have put them on Flickr if you would like to have a look and I also made a little montage type video with no runs below:
I’d really
like to thank all the Guys and Girls from the TUD club for organising a
fantastic event. It was amazing to have the course manned by non-flying people
and their time and effort was massively appreciated.
I’d also love to thanks all the pilots I met for being incredibly friendly people and helping me to feel at ease and welcomed. Huge thanks also to John, Martin, Mark, Daniel, Arne and Peter for sharing this experience with me.
I’d also love to thanks all the pilots I met for being incredibly friendly people and helping me to feel at ease and welcomed. Huge thanks also to John, Martin, Mark, Daniel, Arne and Peter for sharing this experience with me.
Friday, 6 November 2015
Videos of F3F runs from the German Open 2015
I've condensed the videos I took of F3F runs at the German Open into two videos.
The first one is day 1 on the Turbulator and I needed to mask the wind noise with a soundtrack.
The second has a beautiful accompaniment of the dulcet tones of F3F in light conditions.
Grab a cuppa and enjoy!
The first one is day 1 on the Turbulator and I needed to mask the wind noise with a soundtrack.
The second has a beautiful accompaniment of the dulcet tones of F3F in light conditions.
Grab a cuppa and enjoy!
German Open F3F video
Some memories stitched together from the German Open F3F 2015.
I'll pop together a video of the runs I caught later on and am still working on a very wordy report!
I'll pop together a video of the runs I caught later on and am still working on a very wordy report!
Monday, 28 September 2015
BMFA F3F 2015. Long Mynd 27 September
I clocked out after my night shift, jumped in my Van and tootled off to the Long Mynd in Shropshire to meet ten other blokes brave enough to have decided to try to complete a competition in what promised to be very light conditions. It was really quite the ‘Who’s Who’ of British F3F with a star studded, although compact, field.
After arriving a little late (I’d have had to drive like a hooligan to get there for the 9am meet) we got set up on a beautiful slope at the end of a little valley that funnels the available breeze.
The forecast told us to expect a very light breeze to start with conditions building as the day drew out. The forecast was correct on one count. It was light.
Our CD for the event was Mike Evans and he suggested that we complete a round Zero to let the conditions build and stabilise a bit before we got started on the official comp. Based on the forecast it was a good call and we all agreed.
The random order generator took 3 attempts to give an appropriate flying order and settled on having me to go first so I donned the number 1 bib and chucked my empty Willow2 into the beautiful scenery. I tried a pump and it was clear that was a waste of stick time so I scampered along the slope trying to build energy and find some buoyant air before the compulsory start of my timed run.
I felt relatively comfortable on that course and found the bases easily and was able to concentrate on keeping as much energy through the turns as possible and posted a time of 61 or 62 seconds.. Not blistering by any stretch but I was quite pleased with how I flew. Aggressive, but not stupid (in MY eyes!)
You can imagine my surprise when at the end of the round, an entire field of world-class pilots with some of the best gliders available were sitting below me on the leaderboard! It was pretty close actually with most times in the 60’s and a couple in the 70’s. I think there was an almost unanimous sigh of relief that there was a round zero.
SO….on with the comp, proper like.
I flew almost exactly the same flight for the first round with exception of spending longer trying to gain energy and height without a pump and I also flew just a little too close to the bracken on one corner resulting in a split second of no control while the wingtip threaded its way through the ferns. My heart nearly jumped out my mouth as one of my top priorities for this comp was to leave with models intact as I’m driving to Rugen (Germany) on Wednesday! I carded another very low 60’s run and I was matched by Mark Redsell, Mike Evans and Simon Thornton. Not sure who won that round but it was close and it wasn’t me.
Round 2 was my slowest flight with a 62ish second run. I don’t think I had quite the same air as the previous run. But I was still pleased with the run. I wish I could remember who won this round, but I can’t. I have a feeling it was Mike Evans with his shiny new Shinto. They really are a gorgeous plane! It could also have been Mark Redsell or Simon Thornton. It might also have been Greg Dakin with his Jedi?
The conditions were starting to really drop off by the end of the second round with a bit of waiting on the flight line for the conditions to read 3m/s and the same was evident for the start of the 3rd round. I was standing waiting to launch, looking at a large group of birds circle out in front of the slope weighing up whether to launch and run to the thermal to get height and risk not being able to have a re-flight due to launching in non-legal wind speeds.
I nodded to Simon to launch and took the risk.
I got out to the thermal, gained quite a bit more height than I had previously been able to and bombed back onto the course half expecting the air to be electric and smash though each turn. It was clear at turn one that I needed to conserve that energy and I managed to set the fastest time of the day with a ‘blistering’ 56 second run.
Mike and Mark also got sub 60 second runs both in the 58’s I believe.
We tried so hard to get a 4th round flown.
Initially we attempted it on the slope we had used but with 4 out of the first 6 pilots being awarded reflights due to a drop in the conditions we shifted around the slope to the south and as we got the course set up, the wind died altogether and the competition was called finished and incomplete as we need 4 rounds to count towards a BMFA League result.
Below are the final results after 3 completed rounds
1 Clayton Landells 2939.37
2 Mark Redsell 2919.62
3 Mike Evans 2898.59
4 Simon Thornton 2813.44
5 Peter Gunning 2794.11
6 Paul Stubley 2778.61
7 Andy Burgoyne 2730.54
8 Greg Dakin 2699.69
9 Martin Newnham 2629.69
10 Mark Treble 2567.33
11 John Treble 2467.13
Yes, you are reading that correctly.
I won with a Willow2!!
I wouldn’t have made any different calls, including the round Zero and I’d like to thank Mike Evans and Andy Burgoyne for hosting and running the event.
Thanks also to all the pilots for their encouragement and support. It is one of the best aspects of F3F in my opinion and why I loves it!
But everyone loves a what if……
What if round zero was round 1!!!!!
I’d be insufferable and you’d never hear the end of it! Hahahaha
Better get packing for my trip to the German Open at Rugen!!
Tuesday, 15 September 2015
Welsh Open 2015
What a fantastic 3 days of competition, exercise and mateship!! I want to start by saying a massive thanks to Kevin Newton for running this years event. He did a fantastic job and it was a pleasure to help in the centre of the course.
Day one started with what feels like the longest and hardest walk in the world which depressingly, is only a kilometre. We set up camp on the crest and tried to get started as soon as we could with the random number generator singling out it’s first Spanish number for the weekend and Jorge Medina got us underway. He must have been shitting himself as the crest is a daunting place to fly for the first time in a social gathering, let alone a major comp! I was 4th to fly and it was a bit of a test flight after playing with the CG on my Willow2 and not having had the time to test it. It didn’t go well at all and left me way down the pecking order after a 49.68 in sub 40 air with Mark Treble’s 35.28 with his iridescent Toxic setting the fastest time. I immediately modified my ballast to send the CG forward and hoped that it would behave better from round 2 onwards. Fingers crossed!
Mark Treble and Jon Edison let us use their timing gear for the Welsh Open and it is such a breath of fresh air in the CD chair! The Bluetooth speaker saves your voice and the auto functions enabled us to try to manage the buzzers on bases from the flight line. It worked really well and I’d like to thank all the pilots for their help, understanding and brilliant work on the buzzers.
The addition of ballast and a shifting forward of the CG made a massive difference to the Willow2 and my second round was a much better flown 42.91 although I was still too light and added as much ballast as I was comfortable to carry which was also the last time I changed the ballast over the weekend! As I’ve mentioned before I’ve given myself a couple of targets or benchmarks to beat. Well after two rounds I had given the 3 Whitesheet boys a massive head start! Round two was taken by Joel West with a 33.64.
Round 3 I had finally started to get similar results to Tony Livingstone and Daniel Schneider who were flying either side of me. I got my first sub 40 time of the competition with a 39.31 and was soundly beaten by Fritz Donker-Duyviz from Holland with a fantastic 33.12! It was so good to see so many fantastic pilots from across Europe beating the slope and the wind into submission!
Daniel Schneider from Germany held the early round-lead in round 4 with a fantastic 35.18 which was rudely pipped by Joel West a few flights later with 34.17. Joel’s time stood until Inaki Elizondo blitzed the course with an amazing 32.51 second run. I was still chugging along with a mediocre 42.01 which doesn’t score much against a 32.
The last round for Friday was the 5th round and the conditions were easing off a little bit by now and were also affected by quite a bit more South in the South Easterly breeze. It was quite a challenging round but I managed to get some of the better air and flew a 41.37 second run which enabled me to have clawed my way from 46th after round one to 34th at the end of day one. Joel West cemented his day one lead by winning the 5th round with a very tidy 34.14.
The top 3 at the completion of day 1 were Joel West (1), Inaki Elizondo (2) and Peter Gunning (3).
The team Standings after day 1 were, Mickeys Massive (1), Ye Lo Que Hay (2) and GBU (3)
The forecast for Saturday wasn’t particularly flash leading up to the Welsh Open, however the morning dawned bright and dry and we made our way to the westerly slope of Mickeys and got set up. Then the rain came and we hunkered down to wait for the rain and clag to pass. The Random Number generator had chosen a second Spanish Number to kick off day 2 and Marcelino Punal had the honour of first pilot up at just after midday.
Simon Thornton started the day as he meant to go on, taking the round win with a blistering 35.93. Inaki Elizondo and Martin Newnham were hot on his heels but everyone had been put on notice. Simon was coming to get them! Oblivious to all the front running shenanigans, I wobbled in a lacklustre 48.78 and made no forward progress. The West slope doesn’t like reversals (Turn Style) much so a smoother Energy Management style was called for.
Round 7 saw Richard Bago set the pace with a 36.32 and just hold off two of our Austrian visitors in Kurt Planitzer and Stefan Fraundorfer with 37.xx each. Kurt is a seasoned F3Ffer and Stefan was having his second or third F3F event having lots of Electric Pylon racing experience (F5D) which showed in his very aggressive and skilful flying style. I managed to place 7th in the round with my 39.56 and was well pleased with myself!
There were two EPIC flights in round 8. Martin Newnham took the round win with 32.59 and Greg Dakin probably couldn’t believe his eyes when his own extremely fast time of 32.87 was beaten. Stefan Bertschi (Switzerland) and Ronnie Lampe both had stellar runs to grab 3rd and 4th in the round. I was getting the hang of the required style for the hill and posted a 41.19 in 18th place.
I had another really nice flight in the 9th round and was on track for another low 40’s flight until I missed the base (cut) on the 9th turn and had to loop back which cost me 3 or 4 seconds giving me a 44.28 which was still good enough for 14th in the round and more forward progress. Simon Thornton kept plugging away and won the round with a 38.24, just beating Jose-Louis Alvarez and Keith Wood.
At the end of day 2 I had managed to scramble up to 28th position with a few good flights. Simon Thornton had closed the gap to Joel west and was now only 90 points adrift with Martin Newnham hot on their heels in 3rd 45 points behind Simon. Inaki, Peter and Greg rounded out the top 6 with the teams having a bit of a change-up too. Mickeys Massive still held the lead with GBU hot in pursuit followed by Ye Lo Que Hay.
I thought that our chances of getting any flying done on Sunday were slim to none so I wasn’t even thinking about flying while we gorged ourselves on Indian food at the Natraj in Bridgend. I woke on Sunday to a very surprising sky and forecast and bolted to the Crest for another pack-horse session. Massive thanks to all the guys that helped drag the course to the slope and back over the weekend!
Kevin and I chose to move the course about 150yds north from where we flew on Friday and found a place where we could just squeeze the course onto a cliff face. We were a little bit concerned that some might dive straight into a rocky outcrop coming out of Base A. There was nothing to worry about as nobody hit that particular piece of earth……
The Random number generator picked on another Spaniard for Sunday, this time it was Inaki Elizondo’s turn to go first. He wasn’t particularly lucky as he did a massive double-cut on base A and carded a disappointing 51.88. I tried reversals again for this slope but they just didn’t work and gave me a 48.57 with a few ‘squirrely’ moments to consider. ‘EM’ for the next one then. Greg Dakin managed to find a mid-morning thermal square on the face for his 34.36 second run and bound his way towards the top 3 with that! Lazaro Martinez had a great flight to go sub 40 and hold off Pete Gunning and Kevin Newton.
Simon Thornton must have woken up smelling a mixture of fear and blood in the air. He was on a mission and took round 12 by nearly 3 seconds with a 37.77 second run. Alejandro Gil Garcia beat Kevin Newton and Kurt Planitzer to second place by 5 hundredth’s of a second followed by John Phillips and Graeme Mahoney who had had a very good Welsh open and was in with a shot of a top ten finish! Speaking of top 10, I got a 43.39 with the Willow2 which gave me 10th place in the round. We were starting to get a few significant ‘dead spots’ in the conditions and some pilots were feeling the (lack of) effects.
The ‘EM’ turns in round 12 paid off for me again with another 10th place 43.40. Simon Thornton clearly wanted the title of Welsh Open Champ as he was on form again and held off Joel (39.36) with a rapid 37.24 while Dave Rumble got his best round place with 3rd in 40.31 seconds. Inaki had gone from bad to worse when he misjudged the height of the ground and clipped the cliff on the way TO base A. He was then followed by Keith Wood doing exactly the same thing. I felt bad for them, but at the same time was relieved that they hadn’t hit the rocky outcrop we warned people about in the briefing!!
Round 13 was our final round. It turned out to be our only weather effected round of all 13 over the 3 days! Tony Livingstone was on the flight line getting ready to launch while I was willing him to fly as it didn’t matter how wet I got, I was going to fly IN the rain rather than in the soggy mess AFTER. Unfortunately Tony didn’t launch and we started the timer for the 30 minutes allowance to continue the round or call it a day. So we all had 30 minutes to ponder the results. Would we continue? Had Joel done enough to hold off Simon? Had Martin done enough to beat Pete to third? Had Greg beaten both Martin and Pete to third? Had I done enough to beat Tony Livingstone and Martin Drewett? I knew I hadn’t beaten Graeme, he’s stepped up a level.
27 minutes into the rain delay, the weather cleared and we were able to get started again. As predicted, Tony, Daniel and I got the soggy air and posted 50’s and 51’s. Joel managed to beat Simons time by 0.7 seconds but no-one was expecting Peter Gunning to stand up and be greeted by a monster thermal and post a 32.84 absolutely obliterating the rest of the field. Until that flight Martin Newnham looked odds-on for third as he took 4rd in the round with 40.17 behind Kurt and Inaki. Greg Dakin wasn’t to be outdone as he took 6th in the round behind Graeme Mahoney and Mark Treble.
Before we crawled back to the cars I scrambled down the cliff to retrieve a bag of bits that used to be Scott Ravenscroft’s Caldera. I’m not a big fan of litter and offered to get it for him after a complete radio failure left him powerless to do anything but watch as his plan accelerated into the cliff base.
I had a fantastic weekend. It was awesome to see so many pilots from across Europe and the UK and amazing to get so many rounds flown over the 3 days. I was really quite impressed with the Willow2 enabling me to have a few top 10 round finishes and also flitting between reversals and EM with relative ease.
Massive congratulations To Inaki Elizondo for taking the fastest time of the competition with his blistering 32.51!
Congrats also to the winning team of Joel West, Peter Gunning and Stefan Bertschi: Mickeys Massive
Exceptionally well done to our Welsh Open Champion of 2015 …….. Simon Thornton flying his Shinto!!
Second place was a valiant Joel West with a Freestyler and in Third after smashing the final round was Peter Gunning!
Thanks again to all that Helped. Special thanks to Kevin Newton for organising and running the event and to Mark Treble, Jon Edison and Rich Bago for their help in the middle when needed and for the timing gear. I’m going to see if I can get some for the SWSA!
Below is the final results and the complete spreadsheet will be available by email, possibly on Kevin’s site, Mike Shellim’s site or hopefully I can figure out how to make it available on my blog.
1 Mickeys Massive
3 Ye Lo Que Hay
6 All Stars
7 Tea Swillers
8 Bonkers
9 Fake Pilots
1 Simon Thornton 10949.04
2 Joel West 10873.91
3 Peter Gunning 10780.76
4 Martin Newnham 10606.39
5 Greg Dakin 10602.92
6 Inaki Elizondo 10417.80
7 Mark Treble 10335.98
8 Mike Evans 10250.86
9 Richard Bago 10249.23
10 Stefan Bertschi 10210.18
11 Graeme Mahoney 10194.47
12 Kurt Planitzer 10186.40
13 Ronnie Lampe 10074.38
14 Kevin Newton 10051.00
15 Jose luis Alvarez 10012.71
16 Daniel Schneider 9959.05
17 John Phillips 9953.30
18 Stefan Fraundorfer 9941.96
19 Stefan Bernardy 9857.97
20 Lazaro Martinez 9793.96
21 Fernando Moro 9776.22
22 Frits Donker Duyvis 9759.22
23 Keith Wood 9715.88
24 Clayton Landells 9678.49
25 Jorge Medina 9673.09
26 Tony Livingstone 9627.25
27 Martin Drewett 9583.61
28 Reto Blumer 9569.39
29 Inigo Herrera 9548.21
30 Dave Rumble 9528.69
31 John Treble 9516.02
32 Alejandro Gil Garcia 9486.13
33 Mike Shellim 9447.50
34 Paul Stubley 9392.71
35 Andy Burgoyne 9373.67
36 Ewan Maxwell 9370.90
37 Erik Heijne 9348.00
38 Christian Schnepfleitner 9261.29
39 Scott Ravenscroft 9220.91
40 Rick Ruijsink 9047.12
41 Marcelino Punal 8956.90
42 Jon Edison 8837.83
43 Jason Bioletti 8735.97
44 Ian Mason 8634.13
45 Mark Abbotts 7254.93
46 Tony Robertson 6185.69
47 Frank Hulton 5776.88
48 Vic Eldridge 3983.62
Day one started with what feels like the longest and hardest walk in the world which depressingly, is only a kilometre. We set up camp on the crest and tried to get started as soon as we could with the random number generator singling out it’s first Spanish number for the weekend and Jorge Medina got us underway. He must have been shitting himself as the crest is a daunting place to fly for the first time in a social gathering, let alone a major comp! I was 4th to fly and it was a bit of a test flight after playing with the CG on my Willow2 and not having had the time to test it. It didn’t go well at all and left me way down the pecking order after a 49.68 in sub 40 air with Mark Treble’s 35.28 with his iridescent Toxic setting the fastest time. I immediately modified my ballast to send the CG forward and hoped that it would behave better from round 2 onwards. Fingers crossed!
Mark Treble and Jon Edison let us use their timing gear for the Welsh Open and it is such a breath of fresh air in the CD chair! The Bluetooth speaker saves your voice and the auto functions enabled us to try to manage the buzzers on bases from the flight line. It worked really well and I’d like to thank all the pilots for their help, understanding and brilliant work on the buzzers.
The addition of ballast and a shifting forward of the CG made a massive difference to the Willow2 and my second round was a much better flown 42.91 although I was still too light and added as much ballast as I was comfortable to carry which was also the last time I changed the ballast over the weekend! As I’ve mentioned before I’ve given myself a couple of targets or benchmarks to beat. Well after two rounds I had given the 3 Whitesheet boys a massive head start! Round two was taken by Joel West with a 33.64.
Round 3 I had finally started to get similar results to Tony Livingstone and Daniel Schneider who were flying either side of me. I got my first sub 40 time of the competition with a 39.31 and was soundly beaten by Fritz Donker-Duyviz from Holland with a fantastic 33.12! It was so good to see so many fantastic pilots from across Europe beating the slope and the wind into submission!
Daniel Schneider from Germany held the early round-lead in round 4 with a fantastic 35.18 which was rudely pipped by Joel West a few flights later with 34.17. Joel’s time stood until Inaki Elizondo blitzed the course with an amazing 32.51 second run. I was still chugging along with a mediocre 42.01 which doesn’t score much against a 32.
The last round for Friday was the 5th round and the conditions were easing off a little bit by now and were also affected by quite a bit more South in the South Easterly breeze. It was quite a challenging round but I managed to get some of the better air and flew a 41.37 second run which enabled me to have clawed my way from 46th after round one to 34th at the end of day one. Joel West cemented his day one lead by winning the 5th round with a very tidy 34.14.
The top 3 at the completion of day 1 were Joel West (1), Inaki Elizondo (2) and Peter Gunning (3).
The team Standings after day 1 were, Mickeys Massive (1), Ye Lo Que Hay (2) and GBU (3)
The forecast for Saturday wasn’t particularly flash leading up to the Welsh Open, however the morning dawned bright and dry and we made our way to the westerly slope of Mickeys and got set up. Then the rain came and we hunkered down to wait for the rain and clag to pass. The Random Number generator had chosen a second Spanish Number to kick off day 2 and Marcelino Punal had the honour of first pilot up at just after midday.
Simon Thornton started the day as he meant to go on, taking the round win with a blistering 35.93. Inaki Elizondo and Martin Newnham were hot on his heels but everyone had been put on notice. Simon was coming to get them! Oblivious to all the front running shenanigans, I wobbled in a lacklustre 48.78 and made no forward progress. The West slope doesn’t like reversals (Turn Style) much so a smoother Energy Management style was called for.
Round 7 saw Richard Bago set the pace with a 36.32 and just hold off two of our Austrian visitors in Kurt Planitzer and Stefan Fraundorfer with 37.xx each. Kurt is a seasoned F3Ffer and Stefan was having his second or third F3F event having lots of Electric Pylon racing experience (F5D) which showed in his very aggressive and skilful flying style. I managed to place 7th in the round with my 39.56 and was well pleased with myself!
There were two EPIC flights in round 8. Martin Newnham took the round win with 32.59 and Greg Dakin probably couldn’t believe his eyes when his own extremely fast time of 32.87 was beaten. Stefan Bertschi (Switzerland) and Ronnie Lampe both had stellar runs to grab 3rd and 4th in the round. I was getting the hang of the required style for the hill and posted a 41.19 in 18th place.
I had another really nice flight in the 9th round and was on track for another low 40’s flight until I missed the base (cut) on the 9th turn and had to loop back which cost me 3 or 4 seconds giving me a 44.28 which was still good enough for 14th in the round and more forward progress. Simon Thornton kept plugging away and won the round with a 38.24, just beating Jose-Louis Alvarez and Keith Wood.
At the end of day 2 I had managed to scramble up to 28th position with a few good flights. Simon Thornton had closed the gap to Joel west and was now only 90 points adrift with Martin Newnham hot on their heels in 3rd 45 points behind Simon. Inaki, Peter and Greg rounded out the top 6 with the teams having a bit of a change-up too. Mickeys Massive still held the lead with GBU hot in pursuit followed by Ye Lo Que Hay.
I thought that our chances of getting any flying done on Sunday were slim to none so I wasn’t even thinking about flying while we gorged ourselves on Indian food at the Natraj in Bridgend. I woke on Sunday to a very surprising sky and forecast and bolted to the Crest for another pack-horse session. Massive thanks to all the guys that helped drag the course to the slope and back over the weekend!
Kevin and I chose to move the course about 150yds north from where we flew on Friday and found a place where we could just squeeze the course onto a cliff face. We were a little bit concerned that some might dive straight into a rocky outcrop coming out of Base A. There was nothing to worry about as nobody hit that particular piece of earth……
The Random number generator picked on another Spaniard for Sunday, this time it was Inaki Elizondo’s turn to go first. He wasn’t particularly lucky as he did a massive double-cut on base A and carded a disappointing 51.88. I tried reversals again for this slope but they just didn’t work and gave me a 48.57 with a few ‘squirrely’ moments to consider. ‘EM’ for the next one then. Greg Dakin managed to find a mid-morning thermal square on the face for his 34.36 second run and bound his way towards the top 3 with that! Lazaro Martinez had a great flight to go sub 40 and hold off Pete Gunning and Kevin Newton.
Simon Thornton must have woken up smelling a mixture of fear and blood in the air. He was on a mission and took round 12 by nearly 3 seconds with a 37.77 second run. Alejandro Gil Garcia beat Kevin Newton and Kurt Planitzer to second place by 5 hundredth’s of a second followed by John Phillips and Graeme Mahoney who had had a very good Welsh open and was in with a shot of a top ten finish! Speaking of top 10, I got a 43.39 with the Willow2 which gave me 10th place in the round. We were starting to get a few significant ‘dead spots’ in the conditions and some pilots were feeling the (lack of) effects.
The ‘EM’ turns in round 12 paid off for me again with another 10th place 43.40. Simon Thornton clearly wanted the title of Welsh Open Champ as he was on form again and held off Joel (39.36) with a rapid 37.24 while Dave Rumble got his best round place with 3rd in 40.31 seconds. Inaki had gone from bad to worse when he misjudged the height of the ground and clipped the cliff on the way TO base A. He was then followed by Keith Wood doing exactly the same thing. I felt bad for them, but at the same time was relieved that they hadn’t hit the rocky outcrop we warned people about in the briefing!!
Round 13 was our final round. It turned out to be our only weather effected round of all 13 over the 3 days! Tony Livingstone was on the flight line getting ready to launch while I was willing him to fly as it didn’t matter how wet I got, I was going to fly IN the rain rather than in the soggy mess AFTER. Unfortunately Tony didn’t launch and we started the timer for the 30 minutes allowance to continue the round or call it a day. So we all had 30 minutes to ponder the results. Would we continue? Had Joel done enough to hold off Simon? Had Martin done enough to beat Pete to third? Had Greg beaten both Martin and Pete to third? Had I done enough to beat Tony Livingstone and Martin Drewett? I knew I hadn’t beaten Graeme, he’s stepped up a level.
27 minutes into the rain delay, the weather cleared and we were able to get started again. As predicted, Tony, Daniel and I got the soggy air and posted 50’s and 51’s. Joel managed to beat Simons time by 0.7 seconds but no-one was expecting Peter Gunning to stand up and be greeted by a monster thermal and post a 32.84 absolutely obliterating the rest of the field. Until that flight Martin Newnham looked odds-on for third as he took 4rd in the round with 40.17 behind Kurt and Inaki. Greg Dakin wasn’t to be outdone as he took 6th in the round behind Graeme Mahoney and Mark Treble.
Before we crawled back to the cars I scrambled down the cliff to retrieve a bag of bits that used to be Scott Ravenscroft’s Caldera. I’m not a big fan of litter and offered to get it for him after a complete radio failure left him powerless to do anything but watch as his plan accelerated into the cliff base.
I had a fantastic weekend. It was awesome to see so many pilots from across Europe and the UK and amazing to get so many rounds flown over the 3 days. I was really quite impressed with the Willow2 enabling me to have a few top 10 round finishes and also flitting between reversals and EM with relative ease.
Massive congratulations To Inaki Elizondo for taking the fastest time of the competition with his blistering 32.51!
Congrats also to the winning team of Joel West, Peter Gunning and Stefan Bertschi: Mickeys Massive
Exceptionally well done to our Welsh Open Champion of 2015 …….. Simon Thornton flying his Shinto!!
Second place was a valiant Joel West with a Freestyler and in Third after smashing the final round was Peter Gunning!
Thanks again to all that Helped. Special thanks to Kevin Newton for organising and running the event and to Mark Treble, Jon Edison and Rich Bago for their help in the middle when needed and for the timing gear. I’m going to see if I can get some for the SWSA!
Below is the final results and the complete spreadsheet will be available by email, possibly on Kevin’s site, Mike Shellim’s site or hopefully I can figure out how to make it available on my blog.
1 Mickeys Massive
3 Ye Lo Que Hay
6 All Stars
7 Tea Swillers
8 Bonkers
9 Fake Pilots
1 Simon Thornton 10949.04
2 Joel West 10873.91
3 Peter Gunning 10780.76
4 Martin Newnham 10606.39
5 Greg Dakin 10602.92
6 Inaki Elizondo 10417.80
7 Mark Treble 10335.98
8 Mike Evans 10250.86
9 Richard Bago 10249.23
10 Stefan Bertschi 10210.18
11 Graeme Mahoney 10194.47
12 Kurt Planitzer 10186.40
13 Ronnie Lampe 10074.38
14 Kevin Newton 10051.00
15 Jose luis Alvarez 10012.71
16 Daniel Schneider 9959.05
17 John Phillips 9953.30
18 Stefan Fraundorfer 9941.96
19 Stefan Bernardy 9857.97
20 Lazaro Martinez 9793.96
21 Fernando Moro 9776.22
22 Frits Donker Duyvis 9759.22
23 Keith Wood 9715.88
24 Clayton Landells 9678.49
25 Jorge Medina 9673.09
26 Tony Livingstone 9627.25
27 Martin Drewett 9583.61
28 Reto Blumer 9569.39
29 Inigo Herrera 9548.21
30 Dave Rumble 9528.69
31 John Treble 9516.02
32 Alejandro Gil Garcia 9486.13
33 Mike Shellim 9447.50
34 Paul Stubley 9392.71
35 Andy Burgoyne 9373.67
36 Ewan Maxwell 9370.90
37 Erik Heijne 9348.00
38 Christian Schnepfleitner 9261.29
39 Scott Ravenscroft 9220.91
40 Rick Ruijsink 9047.12
41 Marcelino Punal 8956.90
42 Jon Edison 8837.83
43 Jason Bioletti 8735.97
44 Ian Mason 8634.13
45 Mark Abbotts 7254.93
46 Tony Robertson 6185.69
47 Frank Hulton 5776.88
48 Vic Eldridge 3983.62
Sunday, 24 May 2015
Willow 2 is ready to rock!!
It took me far too long.......... I am the master of procrastination!
Yesterday I finally completed the build of my Willow 2 and took her for her test flight at Mickeys on the Bwlch.
I bumped into Paul (keeps the Sussex Slope Soarers blog) flying his Omega. It was nice to have some company and encouragement. He also took some video which I will add here when he uploads it.

The Willow flew really nicely straight out of my hand, only requiring a little bit of up trim on the elevator. I played with the snapflap which it seemed to like (in those conditions) and was purring along nicely. I flew it empty as the conditions were a 'bit' marginal and am looking forward to seeing how she goes with a bit more weight in her belly. I've got 1.67kgs of tungsten just waiting to crawl in!
I've set the CG at 110mm from the leading edge which seemed nice and twitchy with elevator throw of +-5mm. The Flaps for landing are just short of 90deg and she stops really, really well! It was slow enough on a crow-through for me to pluck it from the air if I was brave enough! (I wasn't).
Hopefully get some more testing and fettling flight in before I drive to Scotland for the next BMFA F3F event in June!
If you want one, the Willow 2 is available from Rich and Dave at T9 Hobbysports! Really impressed with this model!
As promised, here are two flights. Both are uncut! The first one was the maiden and the second one was after re-setting the elevator neutral.
Yesterday I finally completed the build of my Willow 2 and took her for her test flight at Mickeys on the Bwlch.
I bumped into Paul (keeps the Sussex Slope Soarers blog) flying his Omega. It was nice to have some company and encouragement. He also took some video which I will add here when he uploads it.
The Willow flew really nicely straight out of my hand, only requiring a little bit of up trim on the elevator. I played with the snapflap which it seemed to like (in those conditions) and was purring along nicely. I flew it empty as the conditions were a 'bit' marginal and am looking forward to seeing how she goes with a bit more weight in her belly. I've got 1.67kgs of tungsten just waiting to crawl in!
Hopefully get some more testing and fettling flight in before I drive to Scotland for the next BMFA F3F event in June!
If you want one, the Willow 2 is available from Rich and Dave at T9 Hobbysports! Really impressed with this model!
As promised, here are two flights. Both are uncut! The first one was the maiden and the second one was after re-setting the elevator neutral.
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