I hope there is an Australian team going to the World Champs for F3F in October.
I offered my services as there is no public selection process as yet but they (my services) were declined and I was told it is all in hand by the MAAA (Controlling body for RC in Australia). It was also made pretty clear (understandably) that to compete as an Aussie, I would need to qualify in Australia.
If the governing body back home had entertained the idea (if no-one had shown any interest) of me representing Aus at the F3FWChamps, I reckon I could have made an exception to my self-imposed exile and found a way to compete.
Licencing and insurance are ridiculously expensive back home so all future International comps that I attend will be attended as a Brit.
I am still quite a way off from getting back into F3F but I do have every intention of returning.
I even have plans to 'roll my own' F3Ffer in the next couple of years while my participation is restricted to the garage.
Anyway, I'm just procrastinating.
I am supposed to be studying. I've got 10 weeks until all my uni work should be finished, YAYAYAY!
Hope the guys and girls in the UK that read this are enjoying the weather lately. Back to the books for me.